Saturday, March 26, 2011

Class Update: 3/22/11

Tuesday, March 22nd Dr. Johnson started class showing us a video.  This video was called "Where is Matt?" It was a very fun video to watch.  Matt, the main character, has a calling to dance around the world, therefore, it shows Matt dancing in all different parts of the world.  Some of the places Matt was dancing I had never even heard of before! In many of the places he was dancing with the local people who lived there, and sometimes he was dancing by himself. I really enjoyed this video, it was upbeat, and it was very fun to see all of the different parts of the world that Matt went to fulfill his calling, "to dance around the world." Dr. Johnson's point to the video is that some people have a calling in life, and she wants us to think about if being a teacher is our calling.

Group four gave their presentation on the Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy, which is on chapter seven in our text, Introduction to Education. They did a nice job on the presentation, it was very informative.

The last part of class  Dr. Johnson went over a paper we are going to have to write called "The Philosophy of Education Paper". She went over the specifics of the paper, and I have to start thinking about which philosophy I am, and how it will impact me as a teacher.

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